Information for Greens seeking GPCA endorsement for statewide office in 2014

The Green Party of California will consider endorsements for a Green candidate in each of the following 2014 statewide offices, to appear on the June 2014 primary election ballot: Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner and Superintendent of Public Education. The process will include: 

• An on-line discussion and teleconference between October 7 and November 17 by the GPCA's Standing General Assembly (SGA), which consists of delegates from county Green Parties around the state;
• Presentations by candidates seeking the GPCA endorsement at the GPCA General Assembly in Santa Rosa (Sonoma County), November 16-17, with the presentations live-streamed to GPCA members across the state; and
• An on-line vote by the Standing General Assembly between November 18-24.  Voting will be by ranked-choice voting (RCV). Endorsement shall require 2/3.
GPCA Candidate Questionnaire for Statewide Constitutional Offices 2014
The following candidates have filled out the questionnaire below, seeking the GPCA endorsement.  
Deacon Alexander, Governor • questionnaire
Luis Rodriguez, Governor • questionnaire 
David Curtis, Secretary of State • questionnaire 
Ellen Brown, Treasurer • questionnaire 
Laura Wells, Controller • questionnaire 
1. Which position are you seeking Green Party of California (GPCA) nomination for and why are you running for this position as a Green? 
2. What are your key platform issues? What are the most important issues facing California? What solutions do you offer?
3. How will your campaign build the Green Party of California? What are your campaign goals?
4. What parts of the GPCA platform do you feel most closely aligned with? What parts do you disagree with, if any? Are there parts you would improve upon and how? 
5. What in your background qualifies you to be a credible candidate? What assets would you bring to your campaign, in addition to those already existing within the Green Party? 
6. What are some of the key organizations and/or constituencies that you plan to outreach to and what is your relationship (if any) to them?
7. Have you filed as a campaign committee with the California Fair Political Practices Commission and if so, what is your campaign ID#.  Do you have campaign bank account and treasurer? A campaign website?
8. Do believe that an independent party like the Greens can succeed in the US? How would you define such success? How can it happen? 
9. The Green Party of California intends to run a unified and coordinated slate of Green candidates for California's statewide constitutional offices. How will you collaborate with other Greens running for other statewide office, including on issues, messaging and organizing?
10. Why are you a Green?
Signatures-In-Lieu of Filing Fee Period - Dec 27, 2013-Feb 20, 2014
To qualify for the ballot without having to pay any filing fees, Greens seeking statewide office will need valid petition signatures from at least 10,000 California registered voters to appear on the ballot. According to this resolution of the June 2013 GPCA General Assembly, the party will seek to endorse a single slate of candidates for statewide office, including with the goal of a coordinated signature gathering effort between campaigns.  
Any interested candidate should review these key documents:
GPCA positions on statewide measures in 2012, including Proposition 30 and Proposition 38 (the two tax measures)



