Cobb, a fiery speaker, and former Green Party presidential candidate, is touring California giving his talk "Creating Democracy & Challenging Corporate Rule" for Move to Amend.
Please join Green Party leader Marcy Winograd this Monday morning, 7-8 am, on KPFK (90.7 FM) when she interviews Laura Wells on why CA needs a millionaire's tax.
Please contact your Assembly member now to vote 'no' on AB1413 unless it is amended to preserve write-in voting. Its going to the Assembly Floor the week of January 30th. AB1413 would rob Californians of a democratic right they've had since statehood in 1850 and would do so without a public vote.
The California Legislature is poised to take away voting rights: call your state Assembly members now to tell them to oppose AB1413 unless the provision removing write-in voting in California is removed.
Green Party candidates and leaders said today that the US must avoid a military confrontation with Iran by diplomacy based on the goal of ridding the Middle East and Asia of nuclear weapons, including Israel, Pakistan, and India.