The Green Party of California invites you to its General Assembly and Presidential Candidate Forum.
The General Assembly will take place in Fresno County on the 7th & 8th of December. We will host candidates for the Green Party presidential ticket and hold a question and answer based forum. The GA and forum will be held in the “Backroom” of the Revue Coffee Bar located at 620 E Olive Ave Fresno, CA 93728.
Registration includes lunch and a light breakfast and is $55 for both days through midnight, Sunday Dec. 1st and $65 afterwards. All meals will be vegetarian or vegan.
The General Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the GPCA and consists of delegates from each active county organization. Delegates are selected by the counties each July and serve as delegates to both the GA and the Online GA (the SGA).
If you would like to help others with travel costs to attend the General Assembly, on the registration form, please donate by selecting "Other" for amount and entering an additional amount.