The Green Party of California State Voter Guide Nov 2024

The Green Party of California has taken positions on California's Statewide Ballot Propositions on the November 5 Ballot, following a vote by our Standing General Assembly Delegates from active County Green Parties. Our positions must meet a 2/3 vote threshold by ranked choice voting according to our bylaws.

Learn more about the measures at the CA Secretary of State's 2024 Ballot Propositions Page.

Endorse Proposition 2 - Bonds for Public School & Community College Facilities

Endorse Proposition 3 - Constitutional Right to Marriage

No Position on Proposition 4 - Bonds for Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, & Protection from Climate Risks
The Green Party of California takes No Position on Proposition 4, because neither the Endorse nor the Oppose position met our threshold

Endorse Proposition 5 - Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing & Public Infrastructure with 55% Approval

Endorse Proposition 6 - Ends Constitutional Provision of Involuntary Servitude for Incarcerated Persons

Endorse PropositionĀ 32 - Raises Minimum Wage

Endorse Proposition 33 - Expands Local Governments' Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property

Oppose Proposition 34 - Restricts Spending of Prescription Drug Revenues by Certain Health Care Providers

Endorse Proposition 35 - Provides Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal Health Care Services

Oppose Proposition 36 - Allows Felony Charges & Increases Sentences for Certain Drug & Theft Crimes

A number of County Green Parties have also made their own analysis and recommendations, which for most of the measures do align with the Green Party of California.
See voter guides by the Green Party of Alameda County, Green Party of Santa Clara County, Green Party of Los Angeles County, andĀ Green Party of San Francisco County.