Background: The Green Party of California (GPCA) is seeking an independent contractor part time field organizer. The GPCA is a progressive political party based on Ten Key Values and policies in its platform. The GPCA operates mainly as a volunteer organization and utilizes independent contractors for support services.
Position: The field organizer shall provide written and oral progress reports to and consult with the GPCA
Grassroots Working Group (GROW), and be guided by the Green Party Ten Key Values and Platform, but shall be expected to perform her/his responsibilities in an independent manner and use independent judgment.
The position is to be funded at $1000/month until the end of the fiscal year on June 30, 2015.
Key Responsibilities of the field organizer are to recruit and train volunteers, and support Green voter registration and county organizing.
Specific tasks include:
Voter Registration
- Support Green voter registration efforts in the counties through training and materials.
- Identify large scale/strategic/high-visibility tabling/voter registration opportunities for the GPCA and its county organizations.
- Support GPCA fundraising and county party organizing efforts, including by encouraging direct solicitations during tabling and events, collection of contact information for Greens and interested members of the public and promoting sharing of such lists with GPCA for fundraising use, and providing materials for tabling such as flyers containing fundraising appeals and donation envelopes.
- Coordinate a GPCA registration drive, with goals of ensuring sufficient registrations to maintain GPCA ballot status as well as a fundraising component and goal of raising $15,000 over the 2014-15 fiscal year to support the field organizer position for the subsequent fiscal year.
- Recruit new organizing volunteers.
- Call new volunteers to welcome them and identify the best ways they can volunteer.
- Train organizing volunteers.
- Collect and distribute volunteer information to county councils, and to relevant GPCA committees and working groups.
- Enter updated information about volunteers into the GPCA’s Nationbuilder voter registration data base.
- Write and design organizing materials in consultation with GROW.
- Work with the Finance and Clearinghouse Committees to develop tabling and outreach materials.
- Develop online content for and GPCA social networking, in consultation with and according to the procedures of the applicable committees or working groups.
County Support
- Work with GPCA recognized county councils to support county organizing, voter registration training, house parties, literature and email outreach.
- Work with GROW to compile county council activation packet which would include model bylaws, consensus process guide, list of registered county Greens, and party platform.
- Develop a tabling packet which would include tabling materials, party platforms, voter registration cards, and suggestions for a table and a 10x10 canopy.
Qualifications: The Field Organizer shall have:
- At least two years of experience organizing volunteer teams of more than 100.
- At least two years of experience working with Facebook and Twitter.
- Exceptional writing and phone communication skills.
- Familiarity using the Nationbuilder data base (or the ability to learn it).
- Registered Green in California.
Applications: Applications should be submitted to and should include a summary of experience and other qualifications and samples of previous work product, all of which should demonstrate familiarity with Green Party candidates, issues, events, 10 KV and our platform as well as three references.
Applications will be taken until the position is filled. Applications will be reviewed by the GPCA GROW Working Group and a decision is expected to be made as soon as possible and then its recommendation will be forwarded to the Coordinating Committee-appointed Personnel Committee.
The GPCA offers equal opportunity and includes Respect for Diversity among its Ten Key Values.