You are invited to join Green Party candidate Carol Brouillet, at her Campaign Kick-off Party at 500 W Middlefield Rd, Mountain View this Saturday, April 28th from 3pm to 10pm!
As a Green Party candidate for California's 18th Congressional District (formerly the 14th Congressional District), Carol Brouillet is a progressive champion for needed reforms, including reducing corporate power and increasing people power, putting an end to American imperialism and downsizing the DoD, and reforming our monetary system. Under the new top-two primary system, she seeks to eliminate the Republican candidate at the June 5th primary election, so that the November election will be a contest between a Green and a Democrat.
Over the coming few weeks, we will be coordinating canvassing and phonebanking drives throughout the district, including Redwood City, Menlo Park, Palo Alto Mountain View, Saratoga, San Jose. Contact me to get involved. Carol's campaign is an excellent opportunity to improve Washington decision-making through local action.
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Kick-Off Party Guest Speakers:
Cindy Sheehan
Maria Gilardin
Dr. Peter Phillips
Ken Jenkins
Richard Gage
Mary Ann Thomas
Dr. Paul Rea
Music provided by:
Vic Sadot
Rebecca Cross
Jeremy Goodfeather
Brian Wallace
For more information: Contact Jules at 650-308-4396.