Please join Green Party leader Marcy Winograd this Monday morning, 7-8 am, on KPFK (90.7 FM) when she guest hosts for Lila Garrett on Connect the Dots.
First, a commentary on why we must Occupy the English language to expose the euphemisms that enable militarism and greed.
Then we’ll talk to foreclosure fighter Carlos Marroquin on home defender actions throughout the southland, Green Party activist Laura Wells on why California urgently needs a millionaire’s tax, and actor-playwright Ian Ruskin on his coming You Tube videos challenging the Tea Party’s depiction of Thomas Paine.
Learn about an upcoming meeting between Occupy the Rose Parade and Wells Fargo, hear a left critique of Governor Brown’s budget & tax proposals, and learn how the right has hijacked Paine’s legacy, only to have the left reclaim it.